Recognition From Professional and Other Organizations

11 USC Researchers Named National Academy of Inventors Senior Members

Congratulations to the 11 USC researchers named senior members of the National Academy of Inventors, a nonprofit member organization that encourages inventors in higher education! Election as an NAI senior member recognizes remarkable innovation producing technologies

  • Professors Armani, Humayun and Yortsos

Three USC faculty named 2021 AAAS Fellows

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has elected three USC faculty to become AAAS Fellows in 2021: Andrea Armani, Yannis Yortsos, and Mark Humayun.

Featured Researchers

Revolutionizing Heart Care for Newborns

In pediatric cardiology, every heartbeat counts, especially for the one in 4,000 newborns born with an underdeveloped lower chamber, or ventricle, of the heart. Ellis Meng, the Shelly and Ofer Nemirovsky Chair in Convergent Bioscience and